Warren Buffett Top 30 Powerful Motivational & Inspirational Quotes ........ 1. “Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No.1” – Warren Buffett 2. “The most important investment you can make is in yourself.” – Warren Buffett 3. “In the world of business, the people who are most successful are those who are doing what they love.” – Warren Buffett 4. “Honesty is a very expensive gift. Don't expect it from cheap people.” – Warren Buffett 5. “You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don't do too many things wrong.” – Warren Buffett 6. “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” – Warren Buffett 7. “Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble.” – Warren Buffett 8. “Time is the friend of the wonderful company, the enemy of the mediocre.” – Warren Buffett 9. Don’t be im...